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  • UPLC-MS/MS法同时测定水产养殖虾中的多种类抗生素残留
  • 2022-03-30 03:25:38
  • Introduction



    1. Single sample preparation, single injection covering three groups of 24 antibiotics.

    2. It is the first method reported for simultaneous determination of tetracyclines including its 4 epimers along with other two groups (Quinolones including fluoroquinolones and sulphonamides) of antibiotics in aquaculture shrimps.

    Resultsand Conclusions

    本文建立了一种采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱同时测定水产养殖虾中24种不同种类(喹诺酮类、磺胺类、四环素类)抗生素的定量分析方法。样品通过含有0.1%甲酸乙腈提取,然后用正己烷和0.1%甲醇水净化,随后经UPLC-MS/MS检测。线性范围:5-200 μg/kg;定量限:5-10 μg/kg;回收率83-100%RSDs低于22%。本文建立的方法特异性强、简单快速(8 min),适用于水产养殖虾中24种不同种类(喹诺酮类、磺胺类、四环素类)抗生素的同时检测。

    Article Information

    Saxena,S. K.; Rangasamy, R.; Krishnan, A. A.* (anoop_a2001@yahoo.co.in); Singh, D. P.; Uke, S. P.;Malekadi, P. K.; Sengar, A. S.; Mohamed, D. P.; Gupta, A. Simultaneous determination of multi-residue and multi-class antibiotics in aquaculture shrimps by UPLC-MS/MS. Food Chemistry 2018, 260, 336-343.